Accidentally turned on oven with easy off

Accidentally turned on oven with easy off. The Easy-Off oven cleaner is used to clean the ovens, but you have to be very careful while cleaning your ovens with an easy cleaner because it can damage the appliance if you do not use it carefully.

You can easily remove the debris and grease stains from these cleaners. But, sometimes, you accidentally switch on the oven with Easy Off on it!

It can happen to everyone but keep calm in this situation and switch off the oven immediately to keep yourself away from severe harm to your oven.

First of all, switch off the oven to let it cool for thirty minutes. Then clean all the debris from the oven to give t a shiny look.

Keep reading this troubleshooting guide to learn each step in detail to eliminate this problem without any problem.

Accidentally turned on oven with easy off

Sometimes you switch on the oven but don’t forget to pull out the Easy Off from inside; It is a very dangerous accident to happen because the fire can catch quickly.

This fire can burn the entire home, so always remember to remove the easy-off cleaners from the oven before switching it.

However, so switch off the oven immediately and open all the kitchen and windows doors for half hour to disperse the fire smoke outside the kitchen.

It is better to wash your hands for 20 seconds to remove the toxic effect and read this article on what to do in this situation.

Shut off the oven

shut off the oven

When you switch on the oven, then make your habit of opening its door and checking whether it’s empty or something placed inside it.

However, If you forget to pull out the easy-off cleaner from the oven and switch it on, switch off the oven without wasting any time.

You can save yourself and the kitchen from the fire if you quickly feel the fire coming out of the oven.

Some people make a common mistake they open the oven door immediately and burn their hands with fire fumes, so it is suggested to you keep your nerves calm and wait for at least half an hour to let it cool down the oven; otherwise, you can burn your hands by hot fumes.

Clean Your Oven Thoroughly

clean your oven thoroughly

After half an hour, wears safety gloves on your hands, eyeglasses for protection, and a face mask to protect your skin from fumes.

If some food was also present inside the oven along with easy-off cleaner, then throw away that food because it is no more to consume because easy-off fumes also spoiled it.

Pull out all the food residues and debris from the oven and wash it completely with fresh water.

You can use any dishwashing soap or cleaning powder to remove the stains from the oven.

It would help if you rinsed the oven hard because the fire stains are not easily cleaned, so scrub the dishwashing soap with a soft sponge to get rid of stains.

  • Method 1

If you see the fire fumes are not cleaned from ordinary dishwashing soap, then you can use white vinegar or lemon juice to remove the hard stains.

  • Take half a cup of white vinegar into a bowl.
  • Now put it in hot boiling water.
  • Pour this solution into the oven and wait for 10 minutes.
  • Wipe away the hard stains using a soft cloth gently and save your oven inside the wall from scratches.
  • Method 2

After removing the stains from the oven, boil the water in a large vessel if you smell the residual smell. Now place this vessel inside the oven and close the door.

The water steam will remove the fire fumes and ease off the cleaner smell from the oven.

Self-clean mode

self clean mode

In modern ovens, the self-clean mode is installed to wipe away the dirty stains from the oven.

If you have an Easy-Off incident with your oven, then turn this mode on to clean the remaining food residue.

You can read the instructions to start the self-clean mode on by manufacturer’s guide.

Oven cleaner’s fumes are very poisonous to food. If these fume stains are not cleaned, they have a toxic chemical reaction, and it will also change the food flavor.

Wipe Again

Clean your oven after self-clean mode because it is a very important step to wipe the oven after self-cleaning mode.

However, cleaning the oven will not be difficult this time because you have already scrubbed the fumes and food stains hard, so just wash all oven parts before using the oven again.


The final thoughts on this article are if you have switched on the oven without removing easy off the cleaner, it’s important to keep your nerves calm and immediately turn off the oven to minimize the damage.

Wait at least one hour before you open the appliance door after switching off the oven; after cooling down the oven, clean the fumes before they permanently stick on the oven walls.

You can use a soft sponge and hot water to clean the fumes stains; ensure to scrub hard the sponge on stains; otherwise, removing the food and easy off cleaners stains is difficult.

If you still check any stains or residue left on the oven after cleaning sessions, use white vinegar, and lemon juice to clean the stains, and don’t use any chemicals because they can further damage the oven.

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