Kitchen exhaust fan not pulling air

Kitchen exhaust fan not pulling air. Clogged air filters do not let kitchen exhaust fans pull any air. Problems with the air ducts can be the culprits you are looking for.

Having a kitchen exhaust fan problem is not a bearable problem. If the smoke remains in the kitchen, it gets hard to breathe. I faced this air problem, and I even got sick because of it.

Then I decided to repair it and called and asked my technician friend. He told me about the problems and solutions. I noted them down and fixed them.

I have stated the reason for the occurrence and the solutions that you can rely on. So keep reading!.

Kitchen exhaust fan not pulling air

kitchen exhaust fan not pulling air

The air not being pulled is mainly because the filters of exhaust are clogged. The problem also occurs in air ducts. The air problem ducts are also basic causes.

The motor of the fan may fail. If the blade is broken, then the suction will not occur either.

The grease filter wash should also be checked. The problem can be improper fitting. The grease filters are to be replaced if they are dirty.

The cleaning of filters is also a choice. Check all the parts before solving the problem.

No power present

The exhaust fan will not work without power. It needs checking. If you see that the power is low or there is a blackout, the device will not turn on.

And without turning on, it doesn’t suck the air. The fan needs to get the required power. The fuses and breakers should be checked. Switches may be off.

If there is no power, you need to change the fuse and then the breakers. The switches should be replaced in case they are broken. The power source can be changed to provide the required power.

Fan motor fault

The fan is connected to the motor. The motor is which moves the fan and spins it. First, check the switch to the motor. If it is working, then use a multimeter to check the motor. If the range hood motor has any fault, find it.

OEM parts can be used as a replacement for proper functioning. Match the exact model number and then fix it in the proper place. Connect the fan to it and make sure it’s tight.

Test the motor and the fan together. If a further fault occurs, check other parts.

Fan not sucking

If the fan is not sucking at low, then turn the setting to high. If it doesn’t suck and clear the smoke and the air in the vent.

Filter went clogged

filter went clogged

You need to check the filter from where the air passes to the vent. Make sure it’s not enveloped in grease.

If grease is the problem, detach the filter and then clean it with hot water and use grease, removing soap for better removal.

Grease blockage

The filter may be clean, so we must check for blockage this time. The grease may cause blockage and restrict the airflow.

Use a flashlight to see and check the vent from inside and locate the blockage. If you spot blockage. Then you need to use tools to unblock the vent. If the vent isn’t cleaned, the air won’t be sucked. Clear all the grease thoroughly and make sure no blockage remains.

Covered motor

If the blockage and the clogging weren’t your problems, the motor and the fan blades are what’s causing it. The blades can also be thick with grease and the motor.

If the blades are thick with grease, then it will be very difficult for them to suck the air outwards. Clean the blades and the motor. If the layer is too thick, replace them.

Broken fan

A fan, if not covered with grease or dirt and not related to any other problem, means the fan is broken. The blades of the fan in a broken state cannot work properly. Even if they are working, it will be at a negligible level and is not useful.

If the blades are or any of the blades is broken. The fan needs replacement. If it has capable of replacement, then you can replace the blades. It is better to change the fan and with the same model.


The exhaust fan not working is a terrifying problem. It should be fixed after finding out the reason. If it is taking you too much time to find it, you can contact someone who is a professional.

That way, you will not have to worry about getting sick from the smoke like me. Good luck.

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