How to remove sharpie from plastic

If you are stalking for methods of how to remove sharpie from plastic surfaces, then it’s the right place to get your answer.

It’s a ubiquitous thing that most people contain permanent sharpie markers. Suppose you go to the market for some time and leave your children at home.

Everything is okay while leaving, but when you return home, you see the sharpie stains on plastic surfaces and everywhere.

What will be your reaction? Of course, it’ll be very frustrating because it’s so hard to remove permanent marker stain from plastic if you don’t know its exact method.

It could be possible that you have intentionally drawn or written anything on the surface, and later on, you want to remove it. It could be plastic, a whiteboard, or any other metal.

If there is the same problem you facing, then don’t worry. We are here to help you, and you can remove permanent marker stains from any surface with our assistance. Let’s get started.

How to remove sharpie from plastic

Guideline To Remove Sharpies From Plastic

guideline to remove sharpies from plastic

This article will share different ways to remove sharpie permanent marker stains using non-toxic or non-abrasive methods. We’ll also include the chemical methods for hard stains.

So, according to the surface or stickiness of the stain, you may decide what method you want to choose for removing the permanent marker stains.

Firstly calm yourself as it’s a common issue of getting stains; moreover, it is not impossible to remove permanent marker stains with accurate guidelines.

This article also shares instructions you must follow before starting the permanent marker mishap-removing process to help you prevent any harm. So, let’s go in that direction.

Instructions You Should Follow

In this segment, we want to give you instructions that you must follow before tackling your removing permanent stains task.

  • We discussed that we would share ways of eliminating unpleasant stains using natural ingredients and chemicals. So, your safety is the priority in this task.
  • It would be best if you didn’t hurt yourself during cleaning the stains. So it would be better to wear gloves to protect your hands from chemicals and a mask to keep your face safe.
  • Next, you must be concerned about not touching your eyes while using any solution, or you may wear goggles.
  • If the affected surface is painted, ensure to use methods that don’t include any kind of chemicals like alcohol, acetone, or peroxide.
  • Please use non-toxic or natural ingredients, as scrubbing with chemicals on painted surfaces can damage your gadgets or the surfaces of items.
  • Moreover, when applying any mixture or solution to the affected area, don’t apply the mixture to all the surfaces at once.
  • Please test it on a little spot to check whether it is suitable or better for your surface or not because it depends on the quality and the type of surface that it can face the solution or compound.
  • Maybe there is a solution that is suitable for one surface but not for another one. So I was hoping you could check it before applying to the entire area.
  • Next, you must ensure that you clean the chemical leftover from the surface, especially if you are cleaning a surface that your children could interact with that area.

Let’s dive into the pool of solutions that will help you remove marker stains.

Different Methods To Remove Permanent Marker Stains

You may follow any of the mentioned methods to make the stains disappear from the plastic.

Use of White Vinegar & Baking Soda

use of white vinegar & baking soda

Here is the method that uses two ingredients white vinegar and baking soda. Distilled white vinegar and baking soda are acidic and have the ability to break down the toughest stains.

In this method, you have two options the first one; you can use only vinegar if you suspect the stain is light.

But in case of tough permanent marker stains, you can use the mixture of the paste of vinegar and baking soda.

Let’s start the procedure. So, according to the area, you can equally take the baking soda and vinegar quantity and mix both ingredients well.

After that, you require a clean sponge or a piece of cloth, soak a sponge or a cloth into the solution, then gently scrub the solution to remove sharpie stains.

If the permanent marker stains are sticky, you can leave the mixture on the surface for a few minutes. After that, you can start surface scrubbing and stains cleaning.t would be best if you leave it for some time, almost 5 to 10 minutes.

Take a damp towel or a microfiber cloth and clean the leftover from the surface after cleaning the permanent maker’s stain.

Now, examine whether the trick works for you; if not, you can proceed to another method.

Use of Toothpaste & Baking Soda

use of toothpaste & baking soda

Most of the methods we are discussing contain household ingredients, so you can use them without the doubt that they can damage your surface.

In the following procedure, we will use toothpaste and salt.

If you are surprised after listening to toothpaste, then we can say that it’s a bit silly, but it will indeed work to remove sharpie stains from the plastic surface.

You can take one part of toothpaste and half part salt and make a paste to remove the permanent marker stains. Apply the mixture to the sharpie marks.

Start rubbing gently with the help of a sponge or a piece of cloth. After removing the stain, it would be better to use a damp paper towel to clean the excess paste from the surface.

Use of Baking soda & Salt

use of baking soda & salt

You can use the combination of baking soda and salt to create a mixture with simple warm water. You can choose to use alcohol instead of warm water to remove stains.

You require a clean cloth or a sponge to apply the mixture. Leave it for some time, almost 5 to 10 minutes.

Start gently scrubbing the area with the sponge. For rubbing, use a toothbrush. After surface cleaning, remove the solution and clean the surface with a damp cloth.

Use of Rubbing Alcohol

use of rubbing alcohol

The following method contains rubbing alcohol as a stain remover. It’s the easiaest method to remove the ink stains from the plastic.

To proceed with the procedure, you require a cotton ball or a piece of clean cloth. Take some quantity of the rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball and scrub the ink stains of permanent markers.

Applying the rubbing alcohol on the surface turns the dry sharpie marker stains into liquid form, and then you can remove them with a damp cloth.

After using the rubbing alcohol, ensure that you have tightened the lid of rubbing alcohol to prevent any mess and save it from splitting everywhere.

Rubbing alcohol has an unpleasant smell, and a loose lid can cause of smelly environment. Maybe you can lose a valuable solution for removing tough permanent marker stains.

So, after cleaning the surface with rubbing alcohol, you can also use warm water to clean the rubbing alcohol residue.

Use Lemon juice & Salt

use lemon juice & salt

Different types of surfaces can catch marker stains, including hard or soft surfaces. Use lemon juice and salt to remove stains if you have a hard surface.

You are required one cup of salt, and squeezing one lemon will be enough. Mix it and apply it with an old toothbrush or a cotton swab.

Gently scrub it and wipe the excess of the paste with a dry cloth. Rinse the water and remove the moisture with a dry towel.

Use of Clean Magic Eraser

use of clean magic eraser

The following method is also a non-abrasive method that contains the natural stuff that helps remove stubborn stains from the plastic surfaces.

Yes, we are talking about a magic eraser. You don’t need anything to combine or make a solution. You may also try the helpful trick if you have an eraser on the spot.

It is the cheapest and easy fix to get a stain-free surface. Test the procedure is it works for you or not. We have many alternative methods to help you if it doesn’t work. Let’s see what is next.

Use of Olive Oil or Tea Tree Oil

Here we will share a practical and beneficial method to remove the stains without a little grease elbow. If you have olive oil or tea tree oil in your kitchen, grab one of the bottles and start cleaning.

We hope it is another trick you are listening to first time or might be surprising for you but it can remove sharpie from plastic. Let’s check out the results with olive oil and tea tree oil.

These oils contain natural acids that allow the stains to disappear or lose the permanent marks efficiently.

You can use anything readily available it could be a cotton ball, clean cloth, or a cotton swab that you will use to apply the oil to the surface. Now, scrub it in a circular motion.

For the stubborn marker ink stain, leave the oil on the surface after applying it for almost 5 to 10 minutes or increase the timing for resting the solution on the stains for hard ones.

After that, you can proceed to the scrubbing and remove it with a cloth. You can also arrange the water or warm water to clean the oily Residue.

Use of Hydrogen Peroxide

use of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another helpful method to remove the sharpie permanent marker stains from the surface. It also works as rubbing alcohol.

This method also uses a singular ingredient and doesn’t depend on another ingredient or item. You only need a piece of cloth or a cotton ball.

Get some quantity of the hydrogen peroxide or solution and apply it to remove sharpie marks. Now, gently rub the stained surface and remove it with a damp cloth. Use paper towels to dry the moisture.

Use of Nail Polish Remover

use of nail polish remover

Here is another cleaning method that maybe surprise you after listening to the product for removing the marker stain.

So, go through your beauty products and pick up your nail polish remover. Yeah! We are talking about nail polish remover.

If nail polish remover can remove the nail polish, it can also remove the permanent marker stains. Let’s check out the trick.

Just take a small quantity or a few drops of nail polish remover on a cotton ball or a clean microfiber cloth and rub gently on the sharpie-stained area.

Please test it on a small surface before applying it to the whole affected area to see whether it is suitable for the surface. We don’t want you to damage your surface.

Use of Hairspray

Another easy and useful method is using hair spray. It’s a toxic way to remove permanent marker stains from the plastic surface.

Keep your eyes and face safe from the hairspray fumes while removing the ink stain from the surface. You may rub the marks with the sponge after applying the hair spray.

After that, you only have to clean the leftover from the affected area using a cloth or a paper towel.

Use of Acetone

use of acetone

Another chemical-based method to remove permanent marker stains is acetone. The quickest and most efficient way to remove sharpie stain. So please use plastic gloves or a mask.

If the surface can be put into a bowl or a pot with acetone, then go ahead with this step.

If it’s not possible, you can take a cotton swab or paper towel, soak it into the acetone, and apply it to the sharpie stain.

Leave it for some time or the whole night, depending on the stickiness, or until you don’t notice that the stain is loosened or dissolved. Now, you can take a damp cloth to remove the surface.

Use of Dry Erase Marker

If you want a stain remover to clean the stains from a whiteboard or plastic, you may use a dry-erase marker. It can remove permanent marker stains and give excellent results.

It is also easy to use, as you want to draw on the sharpie stains using your dry-erase marker. Afterward, you may rub the marks with a cloth and remove any dry-erase markers left over with a damp microfiber cloth.


In this article, we have explained a detailed list of methods to make your life easier by helping you disappear sharpies from plastic. These are easy and inexpensive methods that anyone can afford.

Keeps the safety measured while using chemicals. You may also repeat the procedure or use two or three methods to get proper results.

You may also use the method to remove permanent marker marks from other surfaces like wood, clothes, upholstery, and leather.

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