Robertshaw thermostat troubleshooting

Robertshaw thermostat troubleshooting. Check the wiring of your Robertshaw thermostat. The system fan of the thermostat may not be separating correctly.

So check the fan of your thermostat. Check the date and time on the thermostat and fix it. Set the heating of the thermostat and the thermostat’s cooling as it may not be working.

My thermostat, which I bought because it was Robertshaw, disappointed me when it was misbehaving. I thought my Robertshaw thermostat had malfunctioned.

I found the troubleshooting of other thermostats useful, so I tried troubleshooting my branded thermostat. The thermostat had multiple troubleshooting issues, and it needed the fix very much.

The troubleshooting of my branded thermostat was not difficult. I easily picked the fault in the branded thermostat and fixed my thermostat.

My branded thermostat by Robertshaw didn’t have a troubleshooting guide for a proper fix. I made my own Robertshaw troubleshooting guide after experimenting.

Robertshaw thermostat troubleshooting

If you have a Robertshaw thermostat that doesn’t work, the thermostat won’t do you any good.

You need to get a thermostat that works, or you need to troubleshoot your branded thermostat. The branded thermostat is similar to a normal thermostat, so troubleshooting is similar.

Start by power-checking the branded thermostat. The power is going to be in the branded thermostat as an issue. Troubleshooting all thermostats requires checking the power of the thermostat.

Check the internal parts of the thermostats and extensions that are connected to the thermostats and fix those extensions and parts. Read more below!

Not powering on

not powering on

The thermostat’s most crucial problem you should know about is its powering. The thermostat sometimes doesn’t work at all. Working aside, the thermostat doesn’t even turn on.

No thermostat can work without power, and that’s actually a thermostat fact.

There can be e several reasons that the thermostat is not turning on as the thermostat runs on power, so start by checking if power is the reason the thermostat doesn’t work.

Usually, the thermostat doesn’t work if you have not turned it on manually. The power button on the thermostat is important to know about checking the thermostat.

If your branded thermostat doesn’t work as it’s not even on, check the power button on the thermostat. Press the button once or hold the button on the thermostat and see if the thermostat turns on.

If the thermostat you have runs on battery, check the battery of the thermostats out. No power in the battery means your efforts to turn the thermostat will be useless.

If the batteries in your thermostat are empty, then replace the empty batteries. The wiring of your thermostat and the fuses should be checked in case the thermostat doesn’t have a battery.

Blank display

blank display

Keeping the powering on aside, your display won’t work without the thermostat powering on. If you have a balanced display when you turn the thermostat on, then you have power relating issues as well.

Well, not all the time. The display has a power issue. If the display in your branded thermostat is blank, then you need to check the display of the thermostat itself.

The display of the thermostat may not be attached.

The thermostat has chips inside to attach the display, and the thermostat comes attached to its display, but sometimes the slot of the thermostat from inside becomes loose, and the display is detached or not attached enough, so it doesn’t turn on.

If the display of your thermostat is detached from the inside, you should read the thermostat’s guide and open the thermostat to attach its display back again.

If the display was not on because of its detaching, then your thermostat’s display may be broken.

A brown thermostat display has no fix other than replacing the whole display. If the display remains blank even after the replacement, then send your Robertshaw thermostat back to the company and let them handle it.

Temperature malfunction

temperature malfunction

Sometimes your branded thermostat has a mint condition display, and the thermostat powers on smoothly, but the temperature you set doesn’t seem to be selected by the thermostat, or it is selected through the panel, but the thermostat doesn’t work on your set temperature.

Usually, the wrong temperature is because you have set it wrong. The positive and negative on the panel are what make you confused or any other user.

So, check the temperature on the thermostats, and the lower the temperature, the room will be, or the thermostat will turn the AC cool, and the opposite is the heat, so remember that getting the temperature, depending on the number, is low and high. Low is cold, and high is hot.

If the temperature you set is right, then your thermostat may be glitching, so reset the thermostat and get your temperature. Read more next.

Fan malfunction

fan malfunction

Your branded thermostat also has fans like a normal thermostat, and the normal fans can malfunction as well. So if the fans of your thermostat are not working, then fear not.

The fan malfunction in the thermostat is as common as other issues. The fan of the thermostat may not spin on or spin too slowly.

If the thermostat fan spins too slowly or it doesn’t spin at all, you should inquire about it.

Get to the fan and see if the barring inside the fan is correct or not. Your fan has barrings that are going to make it spin smoothly, but slow spinning or sound in spinning is caused by the barrings.

So oil or change the barrings. The motor may be causing the fan not to work. The fan won’t spin without the motor, so check the fan’s motor and get it recoiled if it’s not spinning correctly.

Incorrect time

incorrect time

Sometimes the time you set for your thermostat to heat is the thing that’s causing the problems in the whole thermostat. The thermostats start cooling or heating at the time at which you set them.

If you see that the time at which the thermostat is cooling or heating is not what you wanted, then you need to change the time as the time you set in the thermostat is incorrect.

The time in the thermostat can be incorrect in a different way. The heating and cooling time of the thermostats may be set for the right time, but the time of your thermostat may be wrong.

The thermostat will start working at the time that it is set on it, and the time may be different if you get an incorrect temperature. So set the time and sync it with your current time using the Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi not connecting

wi fi not connecting

If the time set is correct, then your Wi-Fi can be a problem for you. The Wi-Fi is the thermostat’s path to knowing the latest firmware and settings and syncing the temperature.

Sometimes the thermostat you have is unable to work because the connection of the Wi-Fi is not correct.

Your Wi-Fi may not have a connection with the thermostat, or rather the thermostat doesn’t connect with the Wi-Fi.

Check the WI-Fi and see the reason why the thermostat is not connecting to it. Your Wi-Fi may be off, and you are trying to connect to it in the off state, which will not work.

The password is entering to connect to the Wi-Fi may be incorrect. Connect the Wi-Fi after entering the password that matches it.

The Wi-Fi is not connected to the thermostat if the thermostat senses the signal of the Wi-Fi is too weak.


After getting your thermostat to power on and getting the display t work, you can connect the Wi-Fi and sync the thermostat.

You can set the time you want the heating and cooling as well. Setting the heating and cooling is going to be easy after the thermostat is fixed. Thanks for reading!

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