Prevent plug from being unplugged

Prevent plug from being unplugged. Using covers on the plugs to not let them get unplugged is a way to protect them.

The prongs of the plug can be bent apart slightly to make them stick better in the socket and make it difficult to take. Taping the plug on the outlet can prevent it too.

The plugs getting unplugged is a major issue. My plugs were getting unplugged all day long, and I didn’t do anything, just plugged them back until the unplugging got too far and my PS5 got in the way.

My PS5 got to o 0rder just because of constant unplugging. The constant unplugging was done by the toddlers in my house.

The toddlers were my sister’s children who were visiting me. I couldn’t get angry at the toddlers, as I knew it was my own fault. I fixed the plug issues by a way the unplugging stopped.

Prevent plug from being unplugged

The plugs getting unplugged get annoying when our game or the work is gone after hours of hard work. The plugs will become your greatest enemy of you.

The unplugging can be because for multiple reasons. A common reason is toddlers. They tend to unplug while playing.

Some other users may unplug them without knowing, or the loose plugs may get out themselves. Covering the plugs with special plug covers saves the plugging effort.

Duct tape can be a great help for covering the plugs and making them stick. Slight prong bending is a great method too.

Lower socket

lower socket

This method of lower spots is for plugs that unplug themselves without a person doing so. The outlet, in this case, should have two spots.

The lower spot for plugging the outlet should be used for plugging.

The lower spot on the plug, even at a height, provides better friction to the plug inserted in it, and the grip is stronger in the lower socket of the outlet.

The lower socket of the same outlet won’t always be enough. The lower socket of the same outlet may be high, and the plug gets out.

If the plug comes out of the lower socket of the same plug, try an outlet that is closer to the ground.

The outlet loser to the ground always gives a better grip to the outlet as gravity helps the plug. Using the lower socket of the ground outlet is even better.

Bending prongs

bending prongs

Prongs on the plug are the terminals that are inserted in the outlet’s socket. The plug of all electrical appliances used prongs.

However, this method of prong setting is not for all sockets.

The plug that you want to bend prongs should be a plug that is not taken out a lot as the bent prongs will create a strong grip inside the outlet and won’t come out. The firm grip of the prongs is to be taken advantage of.

The bending of prongs to stick in the outlet is simple. The direction of prong bending should be outwards. The burning of the prongs should be done very carefully.

The bending of the spring should be slight. They should be bent apart from each other in such a way that they can be inserted into the plug without a problem. Don’t bed the prongs of the outlet too much as the prongs can break too.

Outlet cord cover

outlet cord cover

If the toddlers are getting the wires out of the outlets as they play, you need to cover the plugs so that the toddlers are unable to get to the outlets.

Toddlers have a way around the plugs that can surprise you. They can reach plugs you though they can’t and take the plugs out of the outlets by force.

Not only are the plugs in danger, but the toddlers themselves too. The toddlers might put their fingers inside the socket, and that is really dangerous.

The way to protect the pugs from being taken out and to stop the toddlers from getting in danger is the use of an outlet cord cover.

You can attach the cords to the plug and then use the outlet cord. The cover won’t let the cords come out by themselves and prevent toddlers from grabbing the cord from the plug.

With cover, the toddlers will lose interest in the plugs, and you can work without worrying about the cords getting out or being taken out and disturbing your work. Outlet covers have side exploit slots for cords and safety.

Duct tape

duct tape

Sometimes the expenses of the outlet covers are not in the budget. Though the covers aren’t expensive, having a low budget to buy them can happen.

Without covers and a way to protect the outlet, the chances of toddlers messing with the plug are very high. Even without the toddlers, Then plug can get out when it’s loose.

The method without the cover is to find an alternative to the cover that is cheap.

The cheap alternative for cord covers for the outlets is duct tape. As strange as a duct tape as the alternative for cover sounds, it’s effective.

The covering with duct tape makes the plug inaccessible and not just inaccessible, but the duct tape makes the plug less appealing for toddlers who are curious.

Though duct tape is cheap, the sticky residue it can leave on the plug can be bad. But the residue of duct tape can be removed too and a single roll is enough for taping.


The duct tape and the cover techniques have probably covered the plugs and are safe for toddlers.

You can still use an extension in case the plugs are getting loose on their own. The short wire of the device may be your culprit that’s getting plugged off.

Having an extension can solve the problem of having short cords in your hand. The extension will allow you to take devices like vacuum cleaners at longer distances without fear of getting unplugged. So having an extension on plugs can be handy.

Locking plugs

locking plugs

If the extension doesn’t seem like your thing, then think about locking plugs. Locking plugs are much better than normal plugs, and the locking plugs can be better for the grip of the plugs that are inserted in the socket.

The working of locking plugs is very simple, yet the locking plugs are really advanced when it comes to holding the plugs inside them still and tight. The locking plugs can be a great idea.

The locking plugs have high working as they are pushed into female locking connectors or receptacles. They are then twisted, and the plugs get locked in a single place.

This twisting of the lock doesn’t allow the plug to come loose. The locking plugs are also called twist lock plugs.

Usually, the locking plugs are used with generators that are portable and are also used with equipment where secure connections are considered important.


The point of having a plug is to have a better connection with wires and easy connectivity. If the socket is unable to hold the plug, then the connection will be loose, and the connection is completely useless.

The plug will come out when the connection is loose. The way to deal with a plug that comes out is to use plastic that keeps the plug immovable.

Twisting lock plugs are a great idea if no covers are present. Using duct take tape to get the toddler’s interest off the plug is great too. Thanks for reading!

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