Kenmore refrigerator not cooling

Kenmore refrigerator not cooling. If you have a Kenmore Refrigerator, you may be pleased with how it has performed up to this point. They’re made to last and perform an excellent task of maintaining your food fresh. Or maybe it lacks to accomplish its first goal?

We’ll explore possible causes why it wouldn’t be chilling as quickly as it should. If you don’t fix a refrigerator that isn’t doing its job, you’ll end up with a nightmare.

This could result in a lot of food deterioration, as well as unpleasant aromas that remain long once you’ve cleared out the refrigerator.

It’s critical to follow the set of factors here – to make a precise diagnosis. Once you’ve identified the problem, you’ll be able to fix it properly.

This post discusses how to repair a Kenmore refrigerator that won’t freeze and other conditioning issues.

Reasons that could lead your Kenmore refrigerator to discontinue cooling depend on the situation.

Kenmore refrigerator not coolingfix kenmore refrigerator not cooling

The following are some of the possible causes for your Kenmore refrigerator to stop cooling:

  1. Iced Over Evaporator Fans
  2. Malfunctioning of the Damper Controller
  3. Burned Thermometer Freeze

Now, let’s discuss these causes one by one:

Kenmore Refrigerator Troubleshooting

Iced Over Evaporator Fans

The evaporator fan might be the source of the initial problem. That is among the essential aspects of maintaining the freezer cool. Your dessert and packaged foods would not be utterly chilled if you didn’t have them.kenmore refrigerator troubleshooting

Both the freezing and refrigerated sides of your refrigerator might feature two evaporator fans.

If the refrigerator has just one evaporator fan, it will be on the freezing face. If the evaporator fan fails, cooling will not be sent to the refrigerator, and the section will not be cooled.

If a refrigerator is kept closed, this could enable temps to keep rising.

Surprisingly, if the fan fails or makes it even harder, the refrigerator may remain chilly.

You’d like to provide it a trial run once it’s been changed to ensure it’s functioning correctly.

You’re OK to proceed if your fan is spinning and the engine is operating correctly.

Malfunctioning of the Damper Controllermalfunctioning of the damper controller

The damper controller regulates the quantity of air that enters the refrigerator section and enables it to freeze. When this pouch-like component breaks, it cuts down air circulation to the extent that it is minimal.

You’ll have to unplug the refrigerator from the current source to remove it. Find the filter or damper following.

It will be at the entrance of the refrigeration chamber in which the cold air flows.

Cardboard or plastic covering should be used to line the container, and it could also include a foam barrier to keep spills out of the fridge.

Some types have a led that detects the heat, which you’ll feel. In due to fluctuations or reductions, it will modify the settings. Keep in mind the light is fitted correctly and not broken when reinstalling the damper.

You’ll like to shift the connected connection around freely by turning the control valve. After that, you’ll double-check the damper’s location.

You’ll also have to repair the airflow replacement input flap if it’s entirely shut or partly open and can’t move quickly.

Burned Thermostat Frostburned thermostat frost

It’s a wise option to examine your defrost thermometer if you suspect it’s malfunctioning. Make use of a voltmeter with a continuous mode.

Contact the wire extremities of the freezing thermometer with both terminals’ leads of your voltmeter and check for continuation.

If the voltmeter does not produce a sound, the connection is broken, and the circuit is secure when there is noise. In the latter situation, your thermostat remains turned on and so tries to develop additional heat (which can be a bad thing).

You’ll see a series of numbers if you hold the freezing thermometer in your palm.

When the thermometer is turned off, the condenser will turn on and warm up the rear of your refrigerator, melting the ice that has formed on the thermometer.

If the thermometer cannot warm it up, a clog will occur, restricting or cutting off the air supply to the refrigerator section.

Kenmore Refrigerator Compressor Running But Not Cooling

Compressing the gas and circulating it through the evaporator and condenser units is done by the compressor, and that is a motor.

The refrigerator will not freeze if the compressor fails. This really is, though, an uncommon occurrence. Inspect all of the more usually faulty equipment before changing the compressor.

Examine the compressor after you’ve made sure all of the other parts are in good operating order. Using a voltmeter, check for connection between both the electronic ports on the compressor’s side.

The compressor is most likely faulty when there’s an open system. A licensed specialist should change the compressor if it is faulty.

Luckily, fitting a spare part will only take around fifteen minutes. Here is a guide on Kenmore elite refrigerator not cooling


This is the end of this article. In this post, we have discussed a few causes.

Kenmore refrigerator not cooling

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