Jura Coffee Machine Troubleshooting

Jura Coffee Machine Troubleshooting. Jura is actually the name of automated coffee makers. These devices function on their own without the guidance of the user.

They both save time and work. Just place the materials in the required places, and you are good to chill and wait. Even though these devices are automated, they do not have immunity against problems.

This happens in all electronic devices, so by troubleshooting, we look for the possible errors that are present in our electronic devices and then find a solution to deal with the problems.

The problems can be related to any part of your electronic machine.

Jura Coffee Machine Troubleshooting

jura coffee machine troubleshooting

Power problems are one of the common issues in the Jura coffee machine. The device not working because of the wear and tear of its parts.

The motor is out of its function. The pump of the machine getting clogged.

It can be that the device is broken from the inside. The cup is not placed properly. The tray of the device is empty.

The device is not heating properly as it should. It can be that you didn’t pour all the materials into the device.

A little thorough investigation can be helpful in removing these issues. Let us discuss the problems while we troubleshoot them.

Power affair

You can find this error in any electronic device you see or have. Power is the primary need of every electronic device. No power equals no working of the device.

The problem is fixed by checking the device and the place where it is connected.

  • Check for the board first. Make sure it has power.
  • Turn the board ON if it is OFF.
  • Plug the device in properly.
  • Press the power button on the device.
  • Test if the device is working.

Coffee not warm

The coffee is mostly loved hot, as it tastes better that way. The device warms the coffee to the optimum temperature. The taste of the coffee made inside the kettle differs from the taste made inside the electronic device.

This is because of the simple reason that the coffee in the device is burned to be warmed while not in the kettle. But the desired result can be hacked into.

  • Pinch the milk pipe while you are making coffee.
  • Increase the time in which you froth milk.
  • Heat your cup before with boiled water.
  • Then make your coffee or dump it in immediately,
  • Taste the coffee that you desire.

Coffee is watery

Sometimes the coffee that is made by your device is not as you like. It may be too watery for you or anyone. This may be because the coffee is too grind.

The water might be flowing with water too much. The settings can also be wrong.

  • Check the water level in the grinder.
  • Manage the number of beans you put in the grinder.
  • Pour a limited amount of water into the grinder.
  • Check if the grinder is performing its task at a certain level.
  • Change the settings for the desired result.
  • Reset the device if this keeps up.



The device sometimes leaks water. It can be from the tank or some other part. The basic reason for such a problem is that the tank has cracks or it is damaged.

O-rings, if defective, can also be the reason for the leakage of water. The steam wand can also leak water if it is damaged.

  • Investigate the water tank.
  • Find the location of the cracks in it.
  • Repair or replace the tank if you notice any cracks.
  • Descale the limescale of the pipe.
  • Open the device and further investigate the device.
  • Replace the O-rings if they are the reason for leakage.

Tips for troubleshooting

Always start with the search for basic issues like power. Make sure that the plug of the device is inserted into the switch properly.

Check if the water tank is empty or not. Beans should also be present in the required quantity if you want the taste to be to your liking. Maintain the machine at least once time in a week.


The coffee machine is a useful device and has wide uses. The problems are also in a vast quantity. But all of them can be fixed if you use the right methods and tricks.

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