How to get bleach out of carpet

How to get bleach out of carpet. Carpets are a kind of investment that we don’t occasionally do. We all can relate that homeowners, especially our parents are dangerously obsessive about carpets. But let me suppose your situation due to which you are visiting this page.

You were hanging out with your friends, and one of them accidentally dropped spills of tea or coffee on the Carpet (the friend could be you).

Now you are hell scared and want to immediately clean the stain so that your parents can permit you for future friends to gather at your home.

In such a situation, we know that you rush to the cabinet where all the cleaners are lying. In a complete hurry, you choose a cleaner and drop that cleaner on the stain.

The scariest part is that the word o bleach that was written on the cleaners has slipped out of your eyes.

Now you are witnessing that color of your Carpet is eaten by the bleach. AHH, this feels frustrating even to think about it. ( even the situation that we have assumed is driving me nuts)

Unluckily you have made the situation even worse. But you are lucky enough that we have got your back.

It would be best if you had to praise your luck today(ignore the unlucky part of spilled bleach spot on the Carpet).

Still, you are so lucky that you have landed on this page as we are going to tell you all the ways that you can try to get rid of the breech stain and remove the bleach from your Carpet.

How to get bleach out of carpet

Concepting Bleach Stain

concepting bleach stain

Before starting the bleach removal process, you first have to send the bleach stain so that you can remove it perfectly (Well, it is impossible, By the way).

You first have to send the bleach stain so that you can remove it perfectly.

Well, it is impossible, by using bleach on the Carpet means bleach has eaten the color and can’t be restored. It’s like a bar of melting chocolate when.

It cannot be restored to its original shape when you melt chocolate, but you can try to make similar shapes.

Well, the same goes for the bleach stain on the Carpet. You can’t restore the actual color, but you can try to put down the color that is a perfect match.

Bleach on the Carpet- Stain Removal Process

Now without any further due, let’s get straight into the removal process of bleach. We will go through different methods that you can use to get rid of bleach stains, and we will even help you to restore the color.

If you are a DIYer, then this will sound interesting to you.

Method 1: Bleach Neutralizer

bleach neutralizer

This is one of the most common methods to eliminate bleach stains on your Carpet. Chlorine bleach neutralizer is used to remove the effects of bleach on the Carpet fiber and to remove bleach stains.

But the point is that you have to start your removal process by eliminating the effects of bleach from the corporate.

Follow the simple step to eliminate these effects using a bleach neutralizer.

Apart from using chlorine bleach to remove bleach spots and bleach stains from the carpet then, you can also use white vinegar to clear the effect of bleach out of the bleached carpet.

As white vinegar removes bleach stains from carpet fibers, and sometimes, white vinegar also work as a professional carpet cleaner. but you have to keep in mind that vinegar smell.

  • Step 1: Preparation

The first step that you have to do is to prepare to roam around and buy a bleach neutralizer. You can find it in any local pet care Store.

After arranging the reach neutralizer, arrange warm water in a cup.

  • Step 2: Make A Solution

Now arranging the bleach and water, now it’s time to make a solution out of it. Bleach neutralizer comes in the form of crystals. Put those crystals in a cup that you have filled with hot water.

Straight under crystal dissolves totally into the hot water.

  • Step 3:Put the solution on the stain

When you make the solution, let it set in the stain so it can start showing up its magic.

Simply for the solution on the stain, but ensure that you put the solution on the area that stands out.

You must wait five minutes before putting the solution onto the stain. ( the most critical step we are skipping here is to give you an idea of what you can do in these 5 minutes.

Because looking at the bleach Stain and waiting for it not to come off is not an easy job).

  • Step 4: Examine the Stain

After waiting 5 minutes, you must examine the stain to see if it is gone. If the stain is stubborn enough not to come off, we recommend you repeat the abovementioned steps.

  • Step 5: Drying and Vacuuming

You have to dry the Carpet, and you can do this by using hair color and turning on the fan. Also, use a vacuum so that you can restore the color.

Method 2: Soapy water Solution

soapy water solution

This is another method that you can try to remove the bleach but let us tell you that these methods will not work 100% to your expectation. These methods remove the bleach from the Carpet.

Let’s get straight into the steps of using Soapy water paste on the stained part of the Carpet.

  • Step 1: Gather Things

The first thing you have to do is to arrange to think like dish soap and paper towels.

  • Step 2: Dabbing on the Stain

After arranging the things, you now have to tap the stain. Start dabbing the stain using a paper towel by pushing a little amount of force.

  • Step 3: Make a soapy water Solution

When you are done dabbing the stain, now start making a solution by mixing mild dish soap and excess water and steering it until it dissolves in each other completely.

  • Step 4: Put the Mixture on the stain

Now put the mixture you have just made onto the bleach stain on your Carpet. And let it sit there for a while.

  • Step 5: Drying

This is essential to drying the bleach stain with the Soapy water paste on the top.

Again you can do this by using hair color or by turning on the fans and opening up your house windows.

  • Step 6: Rinsing

When you dry the Carpet with the solution on top, we will recommend that you must have to rinse with cold water because cold water will help fix the dye color.

Otherwise, if you use warm water, it can also remove the color of the carpet fiber by melting it down.

  • Step 7: Examine

After this, examine thoroughly whether the color Went out or not. If the stain is still there, then you should repeat the process. If the stain persists, you should try the following steps below.

Method 3: Using Hair Dye

using hair dye

When our Carpet gets bleach stain, then we know that bleach stains from carpet can’t be recovered. But you can fill them with matching colors.

Many color options are available, but the most recommended tried and tested one is using hair Dye.

The first thing that you have to do is go to the store where you can buy suitable quality dye. Make sure you bring a small carpet to buy the hair dye of the exact color.

Make sure your hair is dyed off in excellent quality so it can stay on to Carpet for a longer time. And you have to keep yourself away from rit dye because rit dye can distort the solution.

After purchasing the hair dye sites of the same color pure Carpet, you now have to follow the steps that we have listed down below to apply to the Carpet.

  • Step 1: Gather Supplies

It would be best if you first put together all the essential supplies you will use in the Dyeing process.

Need is a hair dye, of course, we recommend you arrange a blow dryer, and you also need a timer to calculate the time correctly.

  • Step 2: Start Applying

Now you have to start applying the hair dye color by mixing it with the component of the hair dye. All the hair dye ingredients with each other make a proper paste.

Now I applied it to the bleach-stained part of the Carpet.

  • Step 3: Use a blow dryer to Apply heat

After applying it, you must immediately put some heat on so that the bristles of carpets can open up. When the result of the Carpet opens, the color wheel will be distributed separately in each bristle.

You can also use the blow dryer for this purpose as blow drying will open up all the pieces and get distributed among the stained part properly.

Note: At this point, when you start applying heat, the color of the start changes to black. At this point, most people can get frustrated.

But you don’t have to worry much because this color will fade away and turn into the exact color you applied after getting dried.

  • Step 4: Wait And watch

Now you have to wait and watch. We recommend waiting almost 25 to 35 minutes until the hair dye dries completely.

If this process goes well, then this will last even longer and not fade away. This is an exciting process but again, make sure you buy a suitable hair dye.

Tips and Precautions

  • You can also use home remedies like adding one cup of white vinegar with one tablespoon baking soda to remove bleach stains from the carpet.
  • You can simply use a cloth or sponge for the repair work with the vinegar and baking soda solution. A cloth or sponge will not damage the carpet.
  • Use mild dish soap because it will not damage the carpet while removing bleach stains from the carpet.
  • Make sure you do not rub the stained area because it can permanently damage the bleached area of the carpet fibers.
  • You can also use interior paint, interior house paint, and acrylic paint on the stained area that matches the carpet’s color.


Suppose you accidentally spill bleach on your carpet. In that case, you should immediately go for professional cleaning, but you don’t have to worry because we are here to work for you as your professional cleaner.

We have described ways to remove bleach stains from the affected area. We have also listed ways that you can follow up to get rid of the stubborn stains and rebuild the carpet color for you.

We hope this guide will help you eliminate s bleach spots and bleach stains from the carpet.

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