Cabinet doors won’t stay closed

Cabinet doors won’t stay closed. Kitchen cabinets are an important part of the kitchen to keep your thing safe from bugs and insects. If the cabinet door remains open, pets and insects make their way to the cabinet and destroy everything.

Usually, cabinet doors do not create problems, but if you shut and open the cabinet door frequently. If you have small children in the home, ask them not to touch the cabinet door because when they open and shut it, it is damaged due to wear and tear, and it becomes difficult to shut the cabinet door.

It does not occur with new cabinet doors, but if your cabinet is too old, it won’t close when the paint moves inside between the frame and door.

Always try to open and shut the cabinet door gently because when you or any child shut the door forcefully, the nuts are loosened; read this guide to learn what to do in such a situation.

Cabinet doors won’t stay closedcabinet doors wont stay closed

When you open or shut the cabinet door, ensure there is no object stuck between it because most people use to shut the door with full force, turning the spring and loosening all the bolts.

Unfortunately, the door prevents closing and remains open, which is terrible, especially if it is a kitchen cabinet door.

Please do not attempt to forcefully shut the door because it will come back with the same force. Keep reading this article to learn various methods to remedy the cabinet door.

Tighten the hinges

If your cabinet door is sticking and you are unable to shut it properly, then don’t frustrate because you can remedy it without hiring a professional, just you need some basic tools to tighten the screws.

If your door is 5 to 10 years old, its hinges are loosened due to loose screws. So, when you see the kitchen cabinet door is not shutting off properly, always check the door hinges because they are loosened after misuse or wear and tear.tighten the hinges

You can tighten the door hinges yourself with a screwdriver. Open the cabinet door and lift the door by pulling it from the bottom. You can ask someone in the home to uplift the door, so you can easily access the door hinges.

Now tighten up all the hinges and screws with the help of a screwdriver. The door will shut off, indeed, after tightening the loose bolts.

If you feel the screwdriver is moving freely and not tightening the door hinges, it means the hinge’s nuts holes are damaged due to which the screwdriver is moving freely, so in that case, you need to detach the door from the frame and purchase the new door hinges to fix it with the door.

Fixing a gap

The cabinet doors don’t close when there is a gap between the door hinges. When you misuse your cabinets and frequently open and close the door or sometimes it also happens that when you are not at home, then children start playing with the doors due to which the gap generates between the door hinges.

You can quickly fix the hinge gaps by using a screwdriver. Move the hinges screws in a clockwise position with a screwdriver to move the cabinet door forward.

Slowly move the door and shut the door, and next time, open and shut the door gently not to face the problem again.

Magnetic door closersmagnetic door closers

We all know the power and attraction of a magnet because it tightly attaches the other metallic thing with itself. So, if your cabinet door is not closing, fix the magnetic door closers inside the cabinet to shut the door properly.

Out of level

If you are living in an old home you recently purchased, you must maintain all its parts, like doors, taps, and wall sockets.

If it is an old home, its cabinets are old, and if you check that one of the cabinet doors is not closing, your old home is out of level.

In this case, you need a reasonable remodeling of the home, but it is time taking process, and you need to hire. You can always leave the cabinet door open, especially if it is a kitchen cabinet because bugs and other rodents can destroy the food items.

Door clasps are best to close the door if you do not have enough budget to level the home.

Door clasps

Nowadays best door clasps or clutches are available in the market to shut the door tightly. When you shut the cabinet door then, these door clasps are best to attach with the door to shut the cabinet door.

Door clasps have triangular hooks that adjust inside the roller bearing acceptable, so you can use these door clasps to shut the cabinet door.

Move the stripped nuts

If you have tried your best to fasten the cabinet hinges screws and also tried to adjust them but still the cabinet door won’t be closed, change the position of the screws.

You have two options now; the first method is to change the hinge position on the cabinet door and adjust it to some other place to shut the door, but there is a risk of brokering the door.

If you are worried about the situation that your kitchen cabinet door is not closing and rodents and bugs can destroy the food items, then it’s one temporary method to shut the door using wood glue.

Before you use wood glue to shut the kitchen cabinet door, you must protect yourself using hand gloves and eye goggles because the wood glue is very toxic and can stick to your skin to harm you.

Paste some glue on the inside of the cabinet door and shut it tightly but make sure all kitchen windows or room windows are opened when you stick the wood glue with the door.

The final thoughts

The bottom line of the article always uses cabinet doors and also another door gently and do not open and shut them frequently because the door hinges screws are loose due to this activity and it becomes difficult for you to shut the cabinet doors.

However, if you have tried all the troubleshooting tips described above to fix the loose cabinet door then you have three choices, change the cabinet doors, change the cabinet completely and if you have a tight budget then start to live as it is with the damaged cabinet door because replacing the entire cabinet is very expensive and sometimes you do not have enough budget.

So replace the cabinet doors or start living with the opened door but don’t forget to keep the food items in a safe place to save them from rodents and bugs.

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