How to fix a crack in drywall that keeps coming back

How to fix a crack in drywall that keeps coming back. Start by scraping the old material and debris from the wall. Fill the crack and add jointing tape to join them.

Wait for an, then put sand on it and then smooth the sand mixture. Put sand and cement again and smoothen in.

I had a kitchen wall that annoyed me. The wall annoyed me because there was a big crack that would not stop coming back. I thought it would need a new wall, or the crack in the kitchen wall would haunt me again.

I needed a permanent crack fix, a fix that won’t let the crack reappear. Fortunately, when my father came to see me, I got help.

My father, an ex-mason, gave me wall cracks eliminating tricks that helped me get rid of the crack permanently. The wall crack fix was easy.

Read to learn!

How to fix a crack in drywall that keeps coming back

Having drywall with cracks in it is a cracky headache. Drywall often has cracks that won’t get eliminated permanently.

The cracks in the drywall will reappear like a ghost haunting. Getting rid of the haunting ghost or the drywall cracks is not easy.

The drywall needs to be scrapped and cleaned for the wall treatment. Then the crack that’s haunting you should be filled. Then jointing tape should be added.

Add sand after waiting a while. Smoothen the sand and then add more sand. Finish it by making it smooth again.


First, the reason the cracks in the drywall coming back should be figured out.

After figuring out why the cracks are so persistent and do not leave permanently, we fix the reasons and then give a general crack fixing trick through which the drywall won’t have cracks reappearing in it again.

Wrong fitting

wrong fitting

Drywall has a fitting through which the drywall is installed properly. Drywall is actually a building material.

It has a gypsum plaster core that is present between the center of two thin paper sheets.

Drywall being cheap and easy to install, is often used.

The fitting is a major reason in the drywall that makes the dry getting cracks again and again. The fitting of the drywall will be important in cracks.

The drywall is installed to studs, or it is installed to sags.

The security of the drywall depends on the fitting of the studs. Sag and crack appear if the fitting to the studs is improper.

If the fitting is not proper, then you aren’t going to have crack-free walls sooner or later. The best way is to fix the drywall’s installation to the stud so that cracks can say goodbye to it.



Humidity comes after the installation of the drywall. Humidity, in simple words, is the moisture formed on the wall.

Moisture or humidity infiltrates the drywall and makes the wall not get rid of cracks even after several repairs.

The main effect of humidity is on the plaster core of the drywall. The plaster core can be saturated with excessive moisture, and the humidity makes the drywall’s core very soft.

The soft wall core is not able to withstand much pressure, and cracks occur.

The method of saving drywall from cracks because of moisture is to get rid of the moisture. If there isn’t any humidity for the drywall, the core of the wall won’t get soft, and the cracks won’t appear.

The old cracks without humidity will not come back either. A humidity controller for the drywall is a splendid choice. The humidity controller will not let the drywall get excessive moisture.

Low-grade matter

low grade matter

Low-grade material in the construction of drywall and the material in the installation of the drywall is a problem too.

Poor-quality materials cannot fend off the moisture even to a little extent, or the factors that are causing the cracks in drywall never to fade is the material used in their contribution.

The core of the drywall should be strong and of good material. The density of the gypsum plaster core affects the drywall greatly.

The denser the gypsum core, the more sags it will get. The cracks in a dense gypsum core won’t leave you.

As the density and material used in the core area are of importance, having a core that is not hollow or dense with poor-quality material is a no-go.

The core should be made with excellent quality gypsum, and the core should not be dense.

If the core is not dense and the material in the core is made of excellent material, then the plaster core will be strong enough to withstand the surroundings, and the cracks that used to appear won’t bother coming back.

The strong core and high-grade material will make the drywall last longer and without cracks.


expansion and contraction

Expansion in the drywall or the contraction in the drywall directly affects the drywall by making cracks.

The expansion makes the drywall grow more than it has an area too, and as the drywall expansion collapses with the other particles in the wall, the cracks start to appear.

The cracks in the drywall are because of expansion, or maybe the opposite of expansion. The opposite of expansion in the drywall is the contraction of the drywall.

Actually, the expansion of the wall is caused by temperature, and so is the contraction of the drywall. The expansion in drywall is thermal expansion, and the opposite is thermal contraction.

The temperature expands and contracts the drywall rapidly. The rapid expansion/contraction is because f rapid temperature changes around the drywall.

This rapid change causes drywall cracks. Another damage because of their change is also done to the drywall.

To stop thermal changes, temperature control is a normal thing. Ventilation is an important factor in moisture and temperature control.



The area in which the drywall is made is another factor that affects the cracks. The area brings settlement to view.

If the area is a place without rain and a dry place, the moisture and the round will be fine enough, but if the opposite case happens, the area doesn’t remain suitable for the drywall. The soil underneath the drywall can settle differently or move.

The settlement of the soil underneath affects the wall by causing damage, especially cracks in the drywall.

The settlement, when moving again and again, will disturb the cracks, and the old drywall cracks will reappear.

Try setting the drywall in an area with fewer or rather no settlement issues. The better the drywall area, the lesser the chances of the crack.

Fixing method

fixing method

The crack fixing method of the drywall is given below. The crack fixing method will help get rid of the new cracks in the drywall and stop the old cracks from reappearing.

  • Cleaning the crack

Cleaning the crack is the first step in fixing the drywall. Patching the drywall requires all the material on it to be scrapped off.

Manually scrape the drywall and make sure the drywall gets completely scrapped.

If the crack in the drywall becomes bigger while scrapping, don’t worry. The bigger cracks will get filled better. Clean the scrapped material and dust on the wall by manually wiping the drywall and brushing everything off.

  • Applying filler

Apply the filler to make the crack get filled. Use a generous amount of filler and fill through all directions to make the drywall filling proper. Apply filler around the cracks too, and make sure it’s wider than the tape.

  • Taping

Make a piece of the jointing tape matching the size of the crack and firmly push the filler tape to make it grip stronger. Try not to let wrinkles appear on the tape. Let the filler and the tape dry as you wait.

  • Smoothing

Now add sand and remove the raised bits of the filler. Clean the area and apply a thin layer of the material. Make the area smooth with a knife or something. Repeat the filling and sand steps and even the area.


Drywalls are cheaper than other walls, but the cracks appearing in them make them expensive because of the maintenance. The cracks are caused by temperature and humidity at most.

The material of the drywall core and the area affect the drywall. Wrong installation of the drywall and the stud causes cracks too. The method of filling cracks and not letting them appear is explained. Thanks for reading!

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