How to clean lg washing machine filter top loader

How to clean lg washing machine filter top loader. It’s time to clean or replace the filter if you see stinky clothes coming out of the washer after the wash cycle.

It usually depends upon usage, but cleaning the washing machine is necessary. After 2 to 3 months, the filter can also top various problems that occur in the unit.

However, if you are facing lint coming with clothes after the wash cycle, then it means the washing machine filter is dirty, and it’s time to drain and clean the washing machine drain filter.

A dirty filter can cause many issues in machines, such as leaking, stinky clothes, or broken tubing. After two to three months, you can avoid these issues if you maintain your machine by cleaning all its parts, especially the filter.

You don’t need to hire a professional to clean the filter because no special skills or tools are needed. You can easily clean the washer filter with everyday household items.

Keep reading the article to get information because I will explain each step in detail for you so that you can also save money.

How to clean lg washing machine filter top loader

You can easily clean the washing machine filter in short items using simple household items like a shallow tub, white vinegar, a toothbrush, and a damp wash fabric.

When to wash the filter

when to wash the filter

The normal instruction by the manufacturer to clean your washing machine is 2 to 3 months.

It varies from brand to brand, but the best bet is to clean the filter after two months so that you do not face any lint on your clothes because it takes just 20 to 30 minutes to properly cleaning of the washing machine filter.

Follow these steps to wash the dirty washing machine filter.

Switch off the washing machine

switch off the washing machine

Before you start to open the washing machine screws to start your work, switch off the washing machine.

You can not do it when the washing machine is turned on. After switching off the washer machine, now unplug it from the socket to save yourself from an electric shock.

Find the filter

find the filter

First of all, find the filter in the machine because its location depends on the model and brand. Different companies install filters at various places due to features.

You can take help from the user manual to locate the filter.

All the details are mentioned in the user manual to help the people. Otherwise, they have to open all the screws to find the filter.

After finding the machine filter, set a bucket or tray and a towel under the machine; before you detach the filter; otherwise, the laundry room floor will get dirty due to water.

Clean the filter

Due to a lot of usage, excessive lint and debris are gathered on the filter, so gently clean the dirt filter with a soft and clean cloth to remove the debris before you begin to cleanse the filter with detergent or vinegar.

Dip the filter in water

dip the filter in water

There are two ways to clean the machine filter. It depends on you which method you prefer the most, but both are effective. I am explaining both methods to you.

Method 1

  • Pour hot boiling water into a bucket or tub.
  • Add a cup of liquid detergent or dishwashing soap to the hot water and mix them well.
  • Now, dip the filter in soapy water solution for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, pull out the filter and properly cleanse it with a soft brush.
  • Continue scrubbing the brush until all the dust is removed from the filter.

Method 2

  • Pour hot boiling water into a bucket or tub.
  • Add 1 cup of each white vinegar and baking soda to the hot water and mix them well.
  • Now, dip the filter in this distilled water solution for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, pull out the filter and properly cleanse it with a soft brush.
  • Continue scrubbing the brush until all the dust is removed from the filter.

 Dry the filter

After removing all the lint from the machine, filter dry it with a soft and clean cloth and leave it in a safe place to air dry from the sunshine.

Refix the filter

refix the filter

After cleaning and drying the filter, refix it to the washing machine.

You have to be very careful reinstalling the filter because any loose connection can make a lot of damage to the machine, so tight the screws properly

Start the washing machine on a wash cycle to confirm that the filter is fixed properly and there are no leaks. Stop the machine and prefix all the screws if you listen to any noise.


The final thoughts on this post are that if you see the lint starts coming with the clothes, it means it’s time to clean the filter.

Hopefully, you can easily clean the washing machine filter without taking help from anyone in just 20 minutes after reading this article.

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