Headphones only playing in one ear

Headphones only playing in one ear. When headphones only play in one ear, then sometimes it is an issue with the settings of the device.

It is very annoying when sound is coming from only one side of the ear, especially when watching videos and enjoying the music is included in your daily life.

It is easy to buy or order new headphones, but it is very sad and difficult to leave your very expensive headset. It is also a very bad idea to throw away any hardware which can be fixed and used again.

In this article, I mentioned some tricks and fixes you can try if only one side of the headset is working.

Headphones only playing in one ear

headphones only playing in one ear

Mostly it happens that when the sound starts coming from one side of the earbuds, then most people consider that their earbuds are damaged.

So they start making replacement of it. But before throwing out the old earbuds, adopt these steps to fix the issue.

Test other pairs of earbuds

The first thing to do when you are up to the such type of situation is to ask your friend or family member to give you headphones for some time.

Now try to use those headphones on your device and check if the sound is coming from both sides or still is coming from one ear.

If the sound coming from both ears, then surely it is an issue with the headset. But if the sound is still coming from one ear in the new headset, then it is some problem with the mobile device or PC. Inspect the audio settings in the device.

Reboot your device

A simple fix you can try is to reboot the device which you are using to listen to the music. This trick sometimes works, especially when you updated the software recently.

After rebooting your mobile, check that now audio is coming from both sides of the headset or still is coming from one ear. If the issue is still there, then check the audio setting on the mobile or computer.

Examine the audio settings in the device

It depends upon the audio settings in the device that audio should come from both sides of the air or just from one side.

  • Ensure that the mono option in the device is switched off.
  • Check that the sound level is balanced on both sides of the earphones.

The wire of the headset is twisted

If you do not use your headphone carefully, then with time, wires will twist and bend, and sound will starts coming from one ear.

So do not throw your headset carelessly when you are using them.

Remove the dust from the headset jack

remove the dust from the headset jack

Usually, it is the habit of everyone to use headphones every place, whether you are inside the home or outside in the park.

Ultimately, dust and lit make their way into the jack of the headset and disturb the output of audio. It will lose the link between the port of the headset and the jack.

Try to use your headphone on some other device and listen to if that sound is coming from two sides or only one side.

If your headphones work well on other devices, then it means there is something wrong with the jack of your mobile.

You can remove the dust from the jack with the help of the tip of a toothpick. If the dust was just the issue, then hopefully now sound will starts coming from each side of the earbuds

Physical damage to the wire

As you know that the wire of a headset is very fragile, so do not pull it out from the headphone in a hurry because it may damage it.

Always pull it out from the base near the jack instead of tugging it from the center of the wire.

Wire is shorted

The other cause of the headset playing on only one side is shorted wire. A wire normally gets shorted when it is wrapped and tangled in the wrong way.


The conclusion of the article is that if headsets only play in one ear, then people who use headphones in daily life get frustrated. If your headphones are creating the same problem, then do not throw them out before checking them.

All the possible reasons are mentioned in the above points which are responsible, but the most important of all is always to use the headset carefully.

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