Why does my water heater keep turning off

Why does my water heater keep turning off. There are few things more frustrating than getting ready for a nice shower or bath only to discover that you can’t obtain any hot water. If your gas water heater, on the other hand, continues going off for no apparent reason, you may be in this situation. 

Why does my water heater keep turning off
why does my water heater keep turning off 2022

If your gas water heater keeps shutting off, the thermocouple could be dirty, bent or damaged. If you cannot locate the thermocouple’s opening in your gas water heater, contact support for advice on where to find it.

If the thermocouple is dirty, turn off the gas to allow the thermocouple to cool.

With help from support, you may be able to either clean the thermocouple by gently sanding it with fine sandpaper and a round file or replace them entirely for additional help.

First, you need to consider the following cases:

The problem with a gas water heater

The thermocouple is most likely to blame if your gas water heater persists. This critical component detects the pilot light and permits gas to circulate to the burner when the pilot light is lighted.

A defective thermocouple will turn off both the burner and the pilot light. A filthy thermocouple can hinder your water heater from completing its function, just as a buildup of dirt and grime might prohibit your air conditioner from running smoothly.

  • Problematic Gas Supply: If the water heater is a gas device, the pilot must be kept lighted by a steady gas supply. The pilot light will not stay lit if there isn’t enough gas.
  • You might need to make sure that the line’s valves remain unlocked so that gas can reach the pilot light.

Problem with an electric water heaterproblem with an electric water heater

Electric water heater problems can be more annoying than gas water heater problems in certain respects, especially if the water heater is connected.

If your electric water heater continues shutting down, you’ve most likely limited the problem down to an electrical issue. The breaker is on because there is no apparent cause for it to fail. 

A skilled expert can immediately identify the source of the problem, which is usually a problem with the heating coil or thermostat. If the water heater causes the breaker to trip every time it tries to heat water, it is likely an electrical short in the breaker.

  • Faulty equipment: Electrical components might fail with time. Because when the system won’t power on despite everything appearing to be in working order. It’s most likely a problem with the thermostat or heating coil, which may be checked using an electrical tester. 
  • Mechanical fault: When the unit shuts down every time hot water is requested, this is another symptom that a mechanism in the water heater is failing. A technician can establish why the system is shorting out because the breaker is tripping.

Some universal problems can fall in both electric and gas water heaters. If the thermocouple does not detect heat, it believes the pilot is off and turns off the gas supply to the burners. If the thermocouple is not positioned in the pilot flame, it will not operate. 

The pilot light should be high enough to reach the thermocouple and contact it. It must be properly maintained if it is unclean to function correctly.

A bent thermocouple may be fixed by gently bending it forward to the pilot light. However, if the thermocouple is taken down, you may need a plumber to repair it.


There are few things more frustrating than getting ready for a nice shower or bath only to discover that you can’t obtain any hot water.

If your gas water heater continues going off for no apparent reason, you may be in this situation.

The pilot light goes out, the pilot light can’t ignite, or there are difficulties with the gas supply are the most common causes for a gas water heater to shut off automatically.

We’ll look at how much you can do to get through the root of this problem and improve the reliability of your hot water supply.

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