A DNS server cannot be used ps4

A DNS server cannot be used ps4. The Play Station stands concretely evident as the revolution of gaming in the most legit of its forms, bringing it to bigger screens, setups, and platforms.

The Play Station has made numerous gaming experiences approachable and highly enjoyable over the years all across the globe.

The incoming PS setups have been increasing in size, improving the quality and allowing more bigger and better gaming platforms to freaks and dummies of the gaming world, and it is ensured that the future holds even better.

However, with bigger setups and enlarging gaming world, there’s always the inevitable room for problems which can be explained by the usage of an ‘internet connection,’ the one that drives the gaming universe.

The usage of the internet brings ease to gaming but has several associated issues as well, one of which this context puts light upon DNS server issues.

The DNS(domain name system) is a naming system that identifies you over the internet so you may communicate to your server, e.g., the PlayStation support website, which may find you through your unique IP addresses.

Expectedly, you may face domain name system server issues while you surf the internet on any device, your Play Station inclusive. Unexpectedly though, there are several types of DNS errors that may pop up, blocking your communication with your server.

A DNS server cannot be used ps4

I don’t know, man; maybe your internet connection works by fits and starts, or you haven’t been emptying that cache bin, or the worst- your LAN/WIFI settings or ISP might be messing up.

Possibly, the PlayStation service may be down as a denial of service due to many people trying to reach the server simultaneously or, say; your firewall is ‘setting the fire.’

In any case, we’re here to help.

Following is a context discussing how annoying errors related to your DNS server may be rooted apart after apt checking and working out.

In these relatable cases where a DNS server cannot be used, ps4 users pull their hair out bald, finding the type, base, and solution of their specific DNS server errors.

Considering working out with your DNS server, you might want to look at both short-term and long-term solutions.

Quickies! (Short tips)

quickies! (short tips)

Your DNS server errors may not be that big deal! It may also be the itsy-bitsy mismanagements that may cause slight disturbances.

  1. Check your internet connection and try reconnecting again
  2. Clear your DNS and network-related cache
  3. Eventually, after checking your WIFI quality, get help from your ISP
  4. Try reaching the server through a legitimate account/ network
  5. Connect WIFI/LAN to another device to check
  6. Restart PS4
  7. Reset the router
  8. Remove any intermediate devices from the router and connect through another router
  9. Check/ change ISP
  10. Alter DNS settings
  11. Try rebooting your router/PS4
  12. Reset both PS4 and router and unplug them for a few hours before restarting
  13. Set all the settings to automatic except that of the DNS server; set it to manual
  14. Try port forwarding if you can or take professional help
  15. Switch PS4 settings onto Safe Mode
  16. Check if the problem is widespread

In case these solutions for DNS server errors are of no appreciable help to you, look for the solution in the long-term ways.

The long-term solutions

the long term solutions

If the exasperating error message persists, there are tonnes of other solutions. You may be required to carry out the following operations:

Configure DNS settings:

  • Go to Settings.
  • Go to ‘Network’ and then select if LAN/WIFI.
  • In ‘Custom Settings’, select automatic for your IP address.
  • Skipping the DHCP part, set the server settings to ‘Manual’.
  • Set the proxy settings to “Do not use” after setting the settings manually.
  • For wifi: Select WIFI, enter your password, and finally select ‘Hostname Change’.
  • For LAN: Set the first code to eight.8.8.8 and the second to eight.8.8.8, reach MTU settings and select ‘Automatic’.

The rest stays the same.

Disable the Firewall

Obviously, you can remove the hardware firewall but to ‘enable’ the firewall; you need to configure it.

Open the router’s settings page and add its credentials (present on the router), and disable it in the next step, or you may ask your ISP to disable it.

Check port numbers

Data transfer online by DNS takes place through data ports. Sometimes these are blocked by an overload of packets of data/information being sent all over the world.

What you can do is go to your admin settings through ‘network’ settings and then by viewing connection status; then do some configuring magic.

Fill in the fields you may be asked e.g. IP addresses, ID credentials, etc., and try seeing if the firewall is creating a portal closing issue. In the NAT settings. You may find ‘ports.’

Open them by manually configuring them. Port 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480(TCP), and 3478, 3479(UDP) are the ones you’re mainly required to unblock.

Run online troubleshooter

If nothing acts as a solution, run a web troubleshooter or contact the online PS4 server. At the server, you can report and may also troubleshoot your issue by the given instructions.

IP address issues

The Google DNS server finds you over the internet

Specific code errors and their solutions

specific code errors and their solutions

The following are some specific error messages related to DNS servers that may pop up on your PS4 and how to fix them specifically.

  • DNS Error NW-31251-2

Mostly caused by the absence of a Wi-Fi connection. For this, go to ‘Settings’ select ‘Network’ and select/add your Wi-Fi network.

  • DNS Error NW-33986-9

It results from your faulty DNS settings. Reach the DNS settings and change them.

  • PS4 DNS Error CE-33986-9

This is caused by network issues or maybe by denial of service by the PlayStation server.

  • PS4 DNS Error CE-33984-7

Caused when you’re trying to configure your IP address.

These solutions to DNS servers tend to work out more for people who actually try to search for these potential solutions with the help of web forums and web applications.

Smart Hub Is Being Updated

And to our surprise, there is a heavy figure of people who tend to find these solutions in this way, and it works for them! Well! Mostly.


The DNS servers and the error messages would keep on coming and going around; anyway, the solutions for the DNS server errors/DNS error messages and DNS settings configurations we’ve explained would help your DNS server become a good boy, if not instantly, then at least ASAP.

If none of the solutions work for your DNS server, what you can do is get your PS4 devices checked for any issues, especially the ones related to your internet connection, as it is among the chief reasons why your DNS server may be experiencing issues in the first place.

If no hardware malfunctions are present, see for software updates, the PS website being down, or have a professional check your PS software or DNS settings for you to see matters involved with IP addresses, google DNS servers, IP address settings, default settings, network settings, DNS server settings, etc.

Problematic data transfer or incorrect DNS server settings may also be the masked culprits of DNS errors. Cox panoramic wifi not working